The second edition of the ChangeNow summit, which was held at Station F in the 13th arrondissement, was held on 28 and 29 September. International Impact went there to discover a little more about this trade show which brings together nearly 80 different nationalities, a few hundred speakers and several thousand Visitors.
Above all, This exhibition allows investors, innovators, companies, associations and other actors of change to be connected, in particular thanks to the “b2b meetings” which had been set up.
Several conferences, relatively varied, presented in English and obviously focused on the themes of change, innovation but also the environment have followed each other during these two days. The participants, at various origins and backgrounds, were able to present their project (s) and more broadly those of the entity they represented (company, association, town hall…). Topics such as the clean-up of the oceans, sustainable fashion, The new era of agriculture or the refugees have been mentioned.
booths, including innovative objects, like these trays, also roamed the living room. The opportunity once again to highlight the durable and concrete solutions developed by Innovators.
We wish long life to this professional meeting of Quality. We hope that a growing place will be offered to Non Profit structures alongside the investors of Change.